When it comes to buying new clothes, you may think that you have one of two options: you can either choose to be stylish or you can opt to be functional. However, there are a few different stylish pieces of clothing that you can invest in for yourself that are still functional. To help you create the perfect stylish wardrobe that allows you to be comfortable, you may want to invest in some of the pieces listed in this article.
6 December 2018
Wedding and honeymoon lingerie comes in many shapes and sizes and serves many purposes. It makes you look and feel good and is a traditional part of the wedding night intimacy between you and your partner. It can be just important as your wedding dress, and yet many women leave their lingerie shopping to the last minute and do not allocate enough time and money to find the perfect sets of lingerie.
3 February 2015
When you are in love, money might seem like no object. To whisk the girl of your dreams off of her feet, you might be ready to whip out your credit card and choose a huge bauble she can brag about to her friends. Unfortunately, harsh realities can set in after your honeymoon is over. Here are two things you should do before you hit those jewelry stores, so that you can save money while impressing your lady:
20 January 2015
During the after Christmas sales you can often find really great sales on the exotic skin cowboy boots that usually run hundreds of dollars more than those made of ordinary leather. While you may be able to get them for a really great price, you are not going to be able to keep them looking great if you do not know how to care for the skins they are made out of.
12 January 2015